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03/05/21 02:35 PM #1725    

Barbara Brownstein (Schonberger)

Hi Everyone - I really appreciate all the comments about the vaccine.  My husband and I are still on the fence about getting it, we had covid in November and we were both very sick. We never had to go to the hospital but it took us 3 weeks to a month to feel human again  Since we had it we kind of know what the side effects could be so we are hesitent to get it. Please keep posting all the comments they do help. 


03/05/21 05:12 PM #1726    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

Hi Barbara,

So sorry you had to endure the Covid. But of course happy you are over it. 
All I can say is, for us the vaccine gives us confidence that we can beat this vile disease. 
Unless you have a condition that warrants not getting it, I would get it done. If you get side effects, they will be over in a day or day in a half. Small price to pay. 
you don't want to one day, if only......

Sunny Ingber Drohan

03/06/21 01:03 PM #1727    

Harriet (Nikki) Lang

Hi Barbara, my opinion is a bit different than the rest. As a physician, I have studied these vaccines inside out and upside down, and I'm afraid I am not going to make your decision making any easier. I personally will not take this vaccine under any circumstances. If you want to know why I will be happy to explain it to email address is

03/06/21 07:15 PM #1728    


Janet Hoffman

I have considered various points of view concerning the vaccine and, after studying information from various sources, and weighing the pros and cons,  I came out on the side of taking it.  I had my first shot last week.   

03/07/21 04:41 PM #1729    

George Trapp

Am happy to know that thus far all of us who had covid recovered. I was over it quickly in early January. Jan had nothing but a sore arm after round one. Round two produced a sore arm day 1, a fever and aches day 2, day 3 on she felt fine.

I consulted my cardiologist in late Feb. After some questioning he was a go and GP got me punched on Friday. Sore arm overnight. Round two April 5th.

Repeating an earlier statement. Jan and I refuse to hide out in fear. Especially not with most of our lives in the rear view mirror.

My real concern is for the young people K thru 12. Many have real difficulty learning online. Even worse is the emotional toll on some. Grandson had some anxiety issues prior to covid which are worse now. One of his better friends is currently institutionalized after a serious suicide attempt. Blessedly, there is a group of solid kids who have hung together from the start, always there for each other. His HS is hybrid with two days live, three days online. He has remarked that even live is far from what it was pre covid.

Teachers who will not return to a live classroom are real "woosies". Of course I knew that when I watched most of my colleagues bail from the Jr hi I taught in the day TMI melted. The school was less than 10 crow fly miles from the island. A few stayed until the last student was loaded out or picked up by a parent. Evidently few realized that if the radiation had already escaped containment we had already been badly exposed.

Understand the concern for families. A half million deaths attest to the seriousness of covid, but the numbers say that most will recover and that number is steadily improving.

We have a few friends who are positively paranoid. My biggest laugh was driving one evening in January in a widely spaced business area. There was no one about but the guy I saw out walking in the cold and 30 mph wind gusts . This was not some old sickly guy, rather a guy about 40. Anyone care to explain why he was wearing his mask ? Most of my money would be on fear of covid.

03/08/21 11:06 AM #1730    

Lynn Sill (Benson)

First time commenting. But could not resist. Wearing a mask in cold weather is a great idea. It keeps the wearer from breathing in the freezing cold air  it makes cold air breathing much more comfortable, especially when exercising.  Try it !

03/14/21 07:33 PM #1731    

Susan Fishman (Orlins)

I'm so glad to hear about many of our classmates doing well and getting vaccinated.

If anyone is still in doubt, consider that vaccines have wiped out smallpox, polio, and measles (at least until some parents believed widely a debunked theory about measles vaccine).

More than a half million Americans have died from Covid and none of the fully-vacinated millions who have received full doses of the vaccine have died or been hospitalized. As a recent article in the Atlantic stated: 

"Virginia’s vaccine coordinator told The New York Times last weekend. 'A hundred percent efficacy against deaths and hospitalizations? That’s all I need to hear.'”

Me too. For the first time in more than a year I took the train to New York this week to visit my daughter (wearing mask, of course).

Wishing everyone good health!

07/08/21 04:12 PM #1732    


Terri Saltzman (Cannon)

Earlier this year I spoke to Gary Williams, I would check in with Jerry Chonin every few months.  Sadly Jerry passed away this past Spring 2021.  Gary and Jerry shared a beautiful life together. This is a huge loss for Gary. If anyone would like to contact Gary, his info is the following. 

Gary Williams 25 Shady Brook Drive Langhorne PA 19047

If anyone would like to make a donation in Memory of Jerry, you can send it to 

Saint James Episcopal Church  330 S Bellevue Ave  Langhorne PA 19047





07/09/21 07:47 AM #1733    

Joan Winer (Wilking)

Sorry to read about Jerry Chonin. The inevitable is creeping up on us. Glad to see so many of us still thriving though through these remarkable twisted times. Thanks to the internet I keep up with what a lot of you are up to and you with me. Terry: I love that Canadensis is still going stong... actually it appears to be stronger than ever. I write, and make ceramics, and do probono design for arts organizations and some political candidates and causes. In March of 2020 I started daily drawings as the pandemic reared it's ugly head. 420 days later I stopped, on Mother's Day this year. If you'd like to view a time capsule of everything we've endured, you can see them by following me on Instagram at


07/09/21 01:36 PM #1734    

Carol Kutner (Winig)

Thank you for posting Terri.  I guess you figured out how to do it before me.  Gary and Jerry visited with Terri and others from our, anf the visited with my husband another.   Great guy and Gary was so good to Jerry. RIP FRIEND




07/09/21 04:06 PM #1735    

George Trapp

Sorry to hear about Jerry.
Been a while since I updated on Lois. She is at home but under Hospice care. She is easily confused as is Marty. Recently Marty said something entirely divorced from reality to which she replied making a statement that included the words I'm dying". This was the first time I heard her lay it out so bluntly, though I suspected as much. When I questioned her about a possible time frame she promised to get back to , but didn't.
This has occurred several times over the past couple of months. Both her memory and her energy have joined her mental acuity in not being what they were.
After nearly 3 months of silence brought on by computer failure she and I are communicating pretty frequently again. She knows that Jan and I continue to pray, asking God's will for her life life.
If you wish to contact her , her email and address remain the same as I have posted in the past.. Am sure she would enjoy hearing from you. You might get a reply ----- or not.

07/10/21 09:35 AM #1736    

Marsha Dishler

i am saddened to hear of the passing of Jerry Cronin. He was a bright soul and well loved by many.  


07/10/21 01:27 PM #1737    


Carolyn Ford (Swain)

Hi Classmates, 

George can you please post Lois and Marty's information again. 

Thanks  Carolyn Ford Swain

07/11/21 12:18 PM #1738    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

So to hear about Jerry Chonin's passing. I looked back at post in Feb. about getting his Moderna shot and stopping his chemo. I think he knew the end was near and he was at peace with that. 
I am sorry for his loved ones and hope they believed he was ready. 
RIP Jerry🙏  
Sunny Ingber Drohan


07/11/21 12:20 PM #1739    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

Didn't see I missed sorry in previous post

08/27/21 07:27 PM #1740    


Nancy Eisenberg (Einhorn)

So very sorry to hear,our beautiful classmate inside and out Elaine Griffin Mott passed away in April. Rest In Peace dear sweet Elaine. 

08/28/21 04:51 PM #1741    

Carol Kutner (Winig)

Elaine was a real hero.   She was sick for quit a while and was so strong through it all.  Saw her before Covid and then because of Covid that stopped. She had wonderful marriage to a great guy who helped her through it all. May she Rest In Peace.

08/28/21 07:59 PM #1742    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

So sorry to hear of Elaine's passing. In H.S. I knew her, but not since. Always liked her and thought she was a special person. 

It's always difficult to find that our friends from H.S have left us. It was our our link to our past. 

Rest in Peace Elaine. Hope her family will find peace.


08/29/21 01:13 PM #1743    


Carolyn Ford (Swain)

Good morning everyone , so sorry to here of Elaine's passing. I remember here as part of the band she was one of our baton twirlers . She was very nice. Prayers go out to her family . 

11/26/21 05:16 PM #1744    

Harriet (Nikki) Lang

I don’t often post here, but I felt compelled to try again to help my fellow classmates. I spoke via email to a number of classmates about my viewpoints of the vaccine, and was not very successful in convincing them to not get the vaccine. And it is my understanding that the majority of you have indeed gone on to get the jab. As a physician who has studied this intensely for the last year you all have my condolences. It is quite clear to me that your immune system has now been compromised. So it is extremely important that you take the following advice. Make sure you are taking at least 10,000 iu of vitamin D3. Be sure to take your zinc, quercetin, and vitamin C. Most importantly though, please get a prescription for Ivermectin from your doctor, if you can’t get it at your local pharmacy, you can order it from a Canadian pharmacy with your doctor’s prescription. There haven’t been just a few studies, there have been hundreds of studies that proves its efficacy. It has become clear over the past several months that the vaccine is neither protecting from getting Covid, nor from spreading it. So at the very first sign of any respiratory illness you should begin taking 12mg of Ivermectin twice a day for 5 days. It can also be taken prophylactically if you wish. I can give you those instructions.


Please do your own research, but do it on duckduckgo and not google, this advice could help you get through the winter and then perhaps we will find even better ways to counter the damage done by these vaccines. I know that many of you believe I am crazy or simply a conspiracy theorist, I am not here to argue, I am only here to help. I believe it is God’s will that I try.

If you wish to discuss this further, you can contact me at

11/27/21 08:36 AM #1745    

Barton Solow

Hi Harriet...

You're 100% spot on...and it works for me!!!...Thank you for sharing...b.

11/27/21 07:04 PM #1746    

George Trapp

Dr Nikki ---- Thanks for posting. It takes a degree of courage to buck prevailing thought. ---- Speaking for myself , I would not get the jab had I a do over. I am a Covid survivor and was never very ill. ---- I have done my own research, though not to the extent that you have. Reached the same basic conclusions. ---- From checking out ivermectin myself about 2 1/2 months back, I was astounded at its effectiveness and at how inexpensive it is. I would call it criminal that government and the media have conspired to mock and to withhold this lifesaver from general public knowledge.

11/27/21 10:17 PM #1747    


Janet Hoffman

Nikki:  Your reluctant post of today requires a response.  Regardless of one's medical credentials, I do not consider our social forum an appropriate venue to provide medical advice.  Decisions relating to medical care are private and highly personal, to be made between us and the healthcare providers who are familiar with our  medical history.  In my view, it is inappropriate, if not unprofessional and possibly dangerous, to provide such advice in this context. Moreover, the political overtones relating to this issue are undeniable.  We agreed as a group to maintain this platform as a place for social interaction, without "politics."  Let's keep it that way.

11/28/21 10:35 AM #1748    

Harriet Frankel (Withstandley)

Thank you, Janet, for your perfect, and very diplomatic, response. 

11/28/21 11:29 AM #1749    

Susan Pomerantz

I sent Nikki the same sentiment via email. I have a doctor I have trusted for 20 years. I look to him for information.

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