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08/05/19 05:27 PM #1600    

Jerry Chonin


I am just about half way through my chemo. After a few setbacks and having to change the routine, my doctor hit on a regimen that allows me to feel more human. After suffering two mini strokes and all of the typical side affects, I am on the right path. I will never loose my positive attitude or my sense of humor. Fortunately I have not suffered any lasting affects from the mini strokes. I have the best medical team who I trust completely. My support system is amazing. I am a very lucky man. Hopefully I am cleared by my doctor by the end of October. That being the case, thanksgiving will be incredible. 


08/06/19 02:04 PM #1601    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

Hi Jerry,

Sorry you had some set backs. Set backs are just blips for better times to come. 

Your faith and attitude serves you well. We will all be rooting for you. Prayers too๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™. 

Sunny Ingber Drohan

08/07/19 06:49 PM #1602    

Jay Ginsburg


Dear Jerry:

    So sorry you are having a tough time.  I hope you fully recover.  

    Be well old friend,,



12/23/19 12:00 AM #1603    


Marilyn Ford (Evans)

Hello All My Classmates, I would like to Wish you a Happy Hanukkah Season  a very Merry Christmas and a Safe and Wonderful New Year.








12/23/19 11:01 AM #1604    

Jerry Chonin

To all my friends and classmates, all the best in the new year. I am hoping the same for me. So far so good. My oncologist is cautiously optimistic about my outcome. So far I believe I am part of the 9% survival rate for pancreatic cancer. I finished my chemo and so fat my scans have been clear and my tumor markers are at 14. He wants them under 34. Thank you for the good wishes and prayers. 

12/23/19 11:04 AM #1605    

Jerry Chonin

Pardon the type-o. It's far not fat. ๐Ÿ˜ lol

12/23/19 11:20 AM #1606    

Carol Ratcliffe (Gairo)

My Husband and I have been Happily married for 56 years and have been Blessed with 3 healthy sons, 10 healthy grandchildren and 1 healthy great grandchild and a second on the way. Jim has been on Hospice for almost 2 years.  As a Hospice volunteer for many years, I understand how fortunate we have been to share this extra time together. The average Hospice patient lasts 28 days. The longest Hospice patient I worked with was 6 months. The outlook for him to still be here for the new year is VERY slim this time.  

My favorite Christmas song this year is All I Want for Christmas is You!

I wish you all a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year!

Love from a Christmas Carol

p.s. Happy Birthday to George Trapp too!

12/23/19 11:29 AM #1607    

George Trapp

Agree with Ms Evans sentiments.----- Jerry ! God loves you and my prayer is that you are indeed in His plan to be one of the 9%. ----- Spoke with Carol last evening briefly as it was her birthday too. She is upbeat and she agreed that I would pray for Jim to have a smooth transition into the eternal phase of his life. Jan and I are praying that Jim will see this Christmas with Carol.

12/23/19 12:22 PM #1608    

Eileen Tyrala

Hi Everyone, I wanted to share with you an experience that Amy Shelanski and I had last Saturday night when we attended The Philly Pops Jazz Orchestra Holiday Celebration that featured our world renowed classmate, Randy Brecker! He was amazing! He performed several selections composed by both him and his late brother, Michael. It was an evening to remember. After the concert Randy was in the lobby of the Kimmel Center where he greeted us with his customary grace and humbleness. CHS, class of '63, has certainly left its' mark on the music world. Happy Holidays to All!





12/23/19 02:09 PM #1609    

Barbara Barasch (Rosin)

So sorry I wasn't able to go with you and Amy on Saturday night to see Randy, Eileen....

What wonderful messages from everyone to read today.

Best of luck to you , Jerry and best wishes to your husband , Carol.

I wish us all Peace and good health in 2020 ...then happiness will find us ! Bobby Barasch Rosin




04/05/20 04:10 PM #1610    


Daniel Bronson

   Well, it seems that this site has been pretty slow for far too long. I expect that, like me, a lot of you have considerable time on your hands these days. I've spent some of mine finally finishing and publishing a novel about Mark Twain, Annie Oakley and Buffalo Bill's Wild West that I have been playing with for 40 years (it hurst just to see that). My next-door neighbor and her daughter are busy sewing masks for anyone and everyone in the area. Another neighbor is walking dogs for those who are afraid to go out or just too frail.So, if you have a few minutes, tell us how you are spending your time. I don't particularly need political lectures from the left or the right, but I would appreciate finding out how others go about their daily lives, what troubles them, and what small pleasures they have found. Best to you all!




04/06/20 08:08 AM #1611    


Janet Hoffman

Great idea, Danny!  Thank you for starting this.   I have been in Puerto Vallarta Mexico since January 25.  I was planning to return home on March 28 but considered it too risky to travel.  There are no direct flights from here to the New York area and I would have had to go through three airports and take two taxis, to say nothing of risks posed by being in an airplane for anywhere from 6 to 8 hours.  I expect to stay here indefinitely until things in New York improve sufficiently for my comfort.  Our office has been functioning remotely since the end of March in any event so what I could do in New York I can do from here.  My late husband and I bought an apartment here in 2002 and I have been gradually making it more suitable for long-term use.  Who would have thought I would actually use it for that purpose?  As for spending my time, I do have to get out to walk my dog and it is fairly easy to distance yourself from people here.  The weather has been good and I am able to get what I need.  I am learning how to disinfect fruit and vegetables, to conserve water, and to appreciate the therapeutic value of housework and laundry.  No TV, unless I want to seriously bone up on my Spanish.  Like everywhere else cases are on the increase here but, as I said, it is reasonably easy to isolate.  I have been participating in zoom meetings with various groups of friends and stay in touch with people by email and phone.  I also have a couple of big projects I wanted to work on but I'm finding it difficult to concentrate.  I suppose there are others of you who are experiencing the same at least from time to time .That should change as I get more used to my new routine.  One  thing that does help is to minimize my exposure to the news.  Of course I wish to remain informed, but I am choosing my times carefully.  I hope all of us come out of this  well in all respects.  Be safe.  Be careful.  Be calm.  Stay in touch with others.  With air hugs,  Janet 

04/06/20 03:33 PM #1612    

George Trapp



Dan, (Janet too )...... You are the man !  I was wondering when someone would open up about this craziness..... I needed another cervical discectomy and fusion so I chased down Dr Daniel Gelb who the Lord hooked me up with at Hershey in Dec of 98. I found him at the U of MD Medical Center where he both teaches and does various ortho surgeries. His special interest is the spine and as far as I am concerned there is none better...... Again the timing was perfect, so on March 6 Iwas under the knife. Went great. Of course I left the OR slightly more dead than I entered, this due to having the removed disc replaced by a chunk of cadaver bone. So my X-rays now show 12 screws, 2 rods, 1 plate and two wires twisted together. In all 5 of my 7 cervical vertebra and thoracic # 1 are involved. It's all titanium so no problem with magnetometers. I was back home the following afternoon. ...... Virtually pain free. .... Can't beat the combination of the great God and a fine surgeon at my back. Faith and science at work together.

So on March 23 I was back for my first post op check. I was sweating that a bit as I had exceeded my lifting restrictions x 10. I saw the X-rays before Dr Gelb got to me. I knew  they were perfect which he shortly confirmed. Jan, and our older daughter were not permitted in the building. Between taking my temp on entry, taking BP and pulse, removing some metal staples, being x-rayed and meeting with Dr Gelb, 4 of the 5 persons I eyeballed in the office were within 2 feet of my face. But as I told my family and friends the app't was perfect. 

On March 30 the letter came. The bottom line, you have likely had close contact with a person who tested positive for CV. This Sunday AM my quarantine ended. I, Jan and our daughter have been entirely asymptomatic. We Praise God for that and of course we adopted recommended health practices throughout..... One thing impressed on me is that I refuse to be governed by fear, so except for the period of self quarantine, I have gone about my business, albeit taking recommended precautions. ........

Living out in the country, we have space to operate, have been taking walks, doing yard work, etc. I put two bikes in shape to ride......My eyes are taking a hit from so much time messaging friends and family, and am eating too much. Obviously neither of you has trouble disciplining your eating. From your photos you look easily within 15 lbs of you HS weight as seniors at CHS, maybe closer.

A prayer I have repeated almost daily is that as in the original Passover, the blood of The Perfect Lamb is , figuratively speaking, on the door posts of family, friends, those who worship the only Awesome God,etc so that this misery passes by without causing harm to them and theirs. Obviously, I do not wish CV infection on any person, whether or not I particularly like or agree with them. In this we truly are all together because this virus cares nothing about any of the ways we all differ. Fighting it together is the only possibility to defeat it with as little loss of life as possible......

As you realize, I have followed your posts since 2013, enjoying the fact that you and so many of our classmates are so accomplished. My emphasis has always been people, but I admit to a good degree of selfishness. That has slowly changed since the first neck event in 1998. In this crisis I have been contacting friends and family by the means I use attempting to encourage them with jokes, memes, spiritual insights from various sources, phone calls, etc.......

I wish you both , and all our surviving classmates, health and safety as this crisis runs its course. ----- Blessings, George






04/06/20 07:23 PM #1613    


Janet Hoffman

Well it's a good thing we had our elective surgeries before all this happened since I don't think they are  going to be doing many of those anytime soon.  My brand new right shoulder joint from last May is serving me very well as I manage my new temporary life here in Puerto Vallarta.  George, I am glad yours was successful as well.  Janet

04/07/20 02:33 PM #1614    

Harriet Frankel (Withstandley)

Dear Janet and George-  It's wonderful to hear that you are doing well after your respective surgeries, and George, that you were able to have your surgery before most procedures were shut down.  Dan-  what a great idea. Here's my story:  I have been retired for almost 3 years, so I had already adapted to a different routine than during my 45+ years professional life.  I had recently been doing volunteer work for AARP Tax Aide, preparing tax returns at a community center.  This was my second year doing Tax Aide work; it was scheduled to last 10 weeks, but,  after 6 weeks, we were shut down because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Since Pennsylvania is still in the midst of the crisis, I have no idea when, or if, we wil resume, although tax filing season has been extended to July 15.  My petty complaints about the restrictions of our current circumstance pale in comparison to the tragedy so many have experienced, and I cannot envision life going back to anything like it was until there is a vaccine or proven treatment.   I wish the best for all of our classmates.  

04/07/20 04:24 PM #1615    

Sunny Ingber (Drohan)

Hi Dan, Janet, George and Harriet,

I am in awe of all of you for your resilience. George, you sure have been thru Hell and back. Nothing short of miracles. Keep getting well from that nasty virus. 

Congrats Dan on your published book. Is it all one book or separate ones? Is it out for purchase on Amazon?  I know my husband will probably love to read it. He's a history buff ands reads a book a week. Especially since he is not playing any tennis. He has projects in the garage and rides his bike a lot.

I am with out my tennis. This takes a majority of my time, and leaves a void. I wasn't sure how my time would manage. We are all so adaptable and I found it wasn't difficult to reshape my daily routines. I think of those who are ill and have no choice how to see life as they knew it. I pray for them and all the world. I have a strong faith in God. It never quivers. I thank him every day because I know he has our backs. 
We will beat this, it will take time, but beat it we will. Maybe the world will change for the better, maybe not. Having faith keeps me positive. So my day is getting up later than usual, make breakfast and coffee.  Clean and clean some more. I read when I have the  concentration.  Do projects I hadn't had time to do before. Did one yesterday, goal accomplished  For me, small goals each day seems to to help me focus. Also more cooking than I ever did. OY.
So may you all stay strong and keep the laughter. 

From a Longmire book:

Stay calm

Have courage

Watch for signโ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธโ˜€๏ธ

Sunny Ingber Drohanโ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŽพ



04/08/20 10:53 AM #1616    


Daniel Bronson

DanFor those interested, the novel is called The Adventure of Peter Gray or Shall We Shoot the Kaiser, It's based on a real incident, when Annie Oakley was challenged by Kaiser Wilhelm II to shoot a cigarette out of his mouth as opposed to her husband's. My story involves a young man from Bucks County, who follows kidnappers of an uncle from London to Berlin. Along the way, he is aided by Mark Twain, Annie Oakley, Buffalo Bill and his Wild West. There is also a young German soprano, who seemingly can be in two places at once, and also a brief appearance by my eccentric Hungarian grandmother. Essentially, an old man tells a story about the great adventure of his life in the late1800s. It's on Amazon as a paperback or an ebook.

George, like you I have had a few spinal procedures, I suspect that there are a number of us with enough titanium in our bodies to produce a few tennis rackets. No fun, but likely better than what our parents and grandparents had for such problems. Every day that you can get up and take a walk is a blessing.



04/08/20 12:10 PM #1617    

George Trapp


This cervical fusion was the proverbial walk in the park compared to the other ortho surgeries I had. My experience says that shoulder work is the toughest, so hats off to Janet. It's great to see that you are still so pleased with that new shoulder. I'm guessing that plenty of hard and sometimes painful rehab work has really paid off. 

Sonny, great to hear you speak of your faith. This is a fantastic time of the year in the Hebrew and Christian calendars. The Passover has great significance to Jews and Christians alike. I have been praying consistently that ,figuratively speaking, there is the blood of a perfect sacrifice on the door posts of family, friends, classmates,etc in order that this CV misery is not allowed to attack in those homes. God is alive and well today as he was during the original Passover and when Jesus walked the earth. If interested, tonite there is a national Seder ( sp ?) which is to be televised at 7 PM. I cannot say where or how to find it because Imhave not yet looked for it myself. I do intend to watch. Several years ago I participated in one...... also, I greatly miss tennis but was advised against playing before June 6 due to the surgery. I feel badly for all the guys in the contracts I play in. They had all arranged their schedules to allow me to play all dates before my surgery. Now they cannot play my dates due to circumstances nobody foresaw. I owe many people.

I was exposed but did not actually get CV. I was especially pleased and thankful that Jan and our older daughter, Cindee, who were exposed thru me, did not get ill. I will admit that just the tiny freedoms of being off quarantine is a blessing in itself.

Harriet, it is great to hear from you as well. Thank you for thinking of me.

As stated previously, So many of our classmates have maximized their God given talents to achieve greatly. Music, art, literature and athletics come immediately to mind. Dan , you are just the latest example ........ Be safe and be well,     George

04/08/20 02:59 PM #1618    

Barton Solow

Hello All,

Reckon you don't remember me, bein' 63' is long ago and far away (details in profile)...wish I still had my CHS jacket to wear around; I could dig that...but, I'm glad I'm back up north and out of that Florida weather...anyway, I'm feeling and doin' fine...I'll be here...

04/08/20 09:04 PM #1619    

George Trapp

Want to wish each of my Jewish classmates a blessed and happy Passover. Jan and I just joined approx 100,000 persons of faith, Jews and Christians , who viewed and / or participated in a Seder hosted by Rabbi Jonatan Cahn. Very powerful. Be blessed now and always, George T

04/08/20 11:13 PM #1620    


Marilyn Ford (Evans)

 Hello All, and to Barton it is like Comeing back from the dead. For me after Retiring from NASA 

in 2004 I started working as a Private Caregiver. I had retired from that in July of 2019 bur I am 

back at work for now helping where I can. This Coronavirus leaves the elderly very stressed and hard to deal 

with not being able to have their family come in and they not beinbg able to go out of the facility.  We will 

all get through this if we take this seriously and do what the Health Professionals tell us. I wish you all

well and PLEASE do everything you can to take care of yourself and all arounde you. For me it is like a

ghost  town in Houston and surrounding countys. When this is over it will be a stampede to the Mall's

Ha Ha 

Take Care and Much Love

04/08/20 11:16 PM #1621    


Marilyn Ford (Evans)

Wishing all My Jewish class mates a Happy, Safe and Prosperous Passover.

04/09/20 08:21 PM #1622    

Barton Solow

Hello All, and thankxyes for the back at ya, Marilyn...I must of picked up on your wave lenghts

as you were in my thoughts, today...And of course, all of you have a very pleasant faithful

time during these religious days...

Yes, this virus problem is a tuff one...but, we will get thru just takes time and for all of us to do our part, as it reveals our home, town and country's future the mean time

I'll be making some new freshwater lures for fishing and taking it one day at a time...soooo

hang in there; 'cause the best is yet to come...

04/15/20 04:21 PM #1623    

Susan Fishman (Orlins)

How nice to hear from our classmates. Danny, congratulations on your book! I hope everyone is safe and well and finding ways to make the best they can of this difficult time when half the world is staying home. 

I feel a wide range of emotions. Foremost, of course, is concern for essential and hospital workers and those who are ill as well as for those who do not have a home or safe space. Yesterday I spoke to the homeless man whom I helped to write his memoir. He is a vendor for a street newspaper, Street Sense, here in DC. Even if they were printing papers, there would be no customers. He sleeps on the bus and the Metro. 

All of the awfulness makes me ever more grateful for and appreciative of my home and the nature that surrounds it. In addition, I have beloved neighbors; we had a seder on either side of our shared driveway. On the glass half full side of things, I see my grandchildren more often than before, albeit virtual. Being both an extrovert and a competent loner, I find that the lifestyle of cooking for one suits me and then there is Zoom for getting together.

It's hard to focus on the writing I'd like to do, but I continue to study German, even though my classes have been cancelled due to coronavirus. And I participate in team meetings for my oldest daughter, who launched her campaign for Manhattan District Attorney ( 6 days before stay at home became the norm. 

Everybody, I hope you stay safe!

04/16/20 08:44 AM #1624    

Barton Solow

Good to read your on the sunny side of the street, Sue and smilin'...

It's said, the more things change, the more they stay the same...well,

our country will do fine, with the changes at hand...For me, every picture

is worth a thousand words...smiley

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